to the driver of the car today who stopped to let me cross the road.
Sometimes drivers do not even stop at the zebra crossing.
“Need to talk?”
I am finding that question in the publication called “Kaitaia Connect” (Dec 2018), and I love to answer questions like that. I can free call or text a certain number to be connected with a trained counselor.
In the same newsletter I am reading also that Christmas and the summer holidays are a good time to re-charge our batteries, but that Christmas can also be a stressful and lonely time.
And yes, I need to talk, not only to people, but I need also to talk to God. Talking to God is called praying. The soul of man talking to God is called prayer.
“Need to talk?” It is good to talk to trained counselors, but what can be better to make our needs known to the almighty God, our creator. “CAST ALL YOUR ANXIETY ON HIM BECAUSE HE CARES FOR YOU.” – 1 Peter 5:7