“Love Nature,” is the second thing I am reading at the beginning of the TAUPO Visitor Guide, I picked up while in Taupo at Christmas.
In the guide I am reading also “Love Exploring, Love Culture, Love Beauty, Love Adventure, Love Whanau (Family), Love the inland sea,” and there is more I am encouraged to love.
“Love Exploring Love Taupo,” it says on the front cover of the Visitor Guide.
And that’s what I did on my short visit to Taupo.
Lake Taupo is called “Nature’s Ultimate Playground.”
The visit was too short to explore much of the town and the surroundings, but I managed to go on the Ernest Kemp Cruise along the lakefront to Mine Bay, where the Maori Rock Carvings are one morning at 10.30am. The Cruise takes about 1.5-2 hours. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate and cookies are also free on the cruise.
The Taupo Viisitor Guide encourages us to “Love Nature,” but can I encourage you to “Love God,” who created Nature?
At the Church Service I attended this morning here in Kaitaia young people from Auckland ministered, who had not only “Love People,” but also “Love God,” written on their upper garments.