“Nichts wird so heiss gegessen, wie es gekocht wird.”
“Nichts wird so heiss gegessen, wie es gekocht wird.”
In einer Missionszeitschrift werden zwei Leute nach ihrem Lebensmotto gefragt. Eine Person hat sogar zwei. Und hier sind die drei Mottos.
“Nichts wird so heiss gegessen, wie es gekocht wird.”
“Eins nach dem anderen.” – “Fuer andere da sein.”
Wenn man Dich nach Deinem Lebensmotto fragen wuerde, was wuerde Deine Antwort sein? Lass Mich doch bitte wissen. Vielen Dank.
“Wir werden die Zeit zum Gebet niemals haben, wir muessen sie uns nehmen.” – Richard Foster
“Nothing has a better effect upon children than praise.” – Sir Philip Sidney
“In an age of misinformation, it pays to get your local news from a source you can trust,” I am reading in one of our local papers today. (The Northern Advocate, Friday, January 4, 2019)
Not only our local news, but any news we must get from a source we can trust.
“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, …” – Luke 2:6
I get my news from a source I can trust, because my source is the Bible. And it is not any news, it is the “Good News.”
We find prophecies in the Bible.
There are prophecies of Christ’s First Coming in the Bible and there are prophecies of Chrst’s Second Coming in the Bible.
“‘When the Son of Man comes in glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory.'” – Matthew 25:31
The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is foretold in the Old Testament. There are many verses we could read, but let us just read the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. The historic fulfillment of the prophecy is recorded in Matthew 1:18-25. Read also Luke 2:4-7
Those prophecies foretelling the First Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ came to pass. Therefore the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are confident, that the prophecies of the Second coming will also be fulfilled.
Christ’s Second Coming was foretold by the prophets in Daniel 7:13, by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 25:31, by the Apostle Paul in First Timothy 6:14 and by angels in Acts 1:10,11.
At the beginning I said, “I get my news from a source I can trust, because my source is the Bible.” If you ask me, “How can you say that?” I answer, “Because all other news is written by man, but I believe that the author of the Bible is God, the Holy Spirit. That’s why it also says in Matthew 24:35, “‘HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY, BUT MY WORDS WILL NEVER PASS AWAY.'”
“Jesus Wept.” – John 11:35
Books received as gifts, books bought new, and books bought second-hand are in my small library at home.
Today I finished reading the book called “Where is God when it hurts,” by Philip Yancey. It took me two and a half days to read the 183 pages. I have read a good number of books, but “Where is God when it hurts,” is one of the best books I have ever come across. All I can say is, “Find a copy and read it.”
When looking at the books in my library, I think I am almost right in saying that most of them are bought second-hand. The book “Where is God when it hurts” I bought not long ago second-hand here in Kaitaia.
“but unto them that are without,
Mark 4:11,12
all these things are done in parables: That
A. seeing they may see, and not perceive; and
B. hearing they may hear, and not understand;
lest at any time they should be converted, …”