When reading “Nothing can separate us from God,” – Romans 8:31-39 – I felt that in that context it was applied to the world in general.

While thinking about what it says in Romans 8:31-39 and looking to the left from where I was sitting at that time, I noticed on a chair a label attached to newly bought curtains on which “Warning” was written.
Romans is one of the letters in the New Testament. Now we cannot take the teaching of any New Testament letter and apply it to the world in general. We must not misinterpret the teaching of the letters in the New Testament. We must notice to whom the messages were written.
To whom is the teaching of the letters directed? The answer is to believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and to them only. It is not only wrong but also heretical to apply the teaching to the world in general.
The “Warning” on the label attached to the curtains begins like this as you can see, “Young children have died by wrapping loose curtain and blind cords or chains around their necks .”
It is good to be warned, especially when it comes to spiritual matters.