“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot
Psalm 116:1+2
for he
I will call on him as long as I live.”
Preach the Word;
2 Timothy 4:2
be prepared in season and out of season;
with great patience and careful instruction.”
“Want to talk?” says the advertisement in the telephone box here in Kaitaia in Commerce Street. Underneath I read, “These numbers might help.”
Seven numbers are given, including the Depression helpline number.
The other numbers are the Lifeline number, the Suicide Crisis Helpline number, the Youthline number, the Kidsline number, the Whatsup number and finally the Samaritans number. Almost all of them are 0800 numbers and available 24/7.
Recently I read about depression in our local paper. Someone who is suffering from depression says that depression has been taboo for too long, and the best way to help people who are suffering from depression is to talk about it. There is not only strength in talking about it, but there is also strength in admitting that you need help.
The telephone numbers in the telephone box might help, and I hope that they do; but I know for sure that the promises in the Bible help. There are a good number of them in the Psalms. Here is one of them. In Psalm 50:14,15 we read:
“‘Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.'”
Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ. Talking with the Lord Jesus Christ is prayer.