“There is no conflict between science and religion. Our knowledge of God is made larger with every discovery we make about the world.” – Joseph H. Taylor Jr 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics
Daily Archives: June 17, 2019
When reading today, “Kiwis love reading newspapers!” the question came to my mind, “How many Kiwis (New Zealanders) love reading the Bible?” (Northern News, Wednesday, May 29, 2019)
I love reading the Bible.

Looking at my small library I see one Bible without a spine. Two more Bibles will soon be without a spine, if I continue to use them.
I notice also that I love reading concordances of the Bible.
One of my concordances has also lost the back from using it.
The reason why I love reading the Bible is that everything else that is written, will not last, but about the Bible it says, “HEAVEN AND EARTH WILL PASS AWAY, BUT MY WORDS WILL NEVER PASS AWAY. (Matthew 24:35)
Happy families.
While sitting in the coffee shop I was watching a little boy, obviously belonging to the people sitting at the big table next to me.
The little boy was jumping around and was as happy as a little boy could be and a thought came to my mind.

Four people were sitting at the big table, an elderly couple and a younger couple. I know the elderly couple as church people, and on my way out began to talk to them and mentioned also that I could not help noticing how happy the little boy was.
I was told that the little fellow was growing up in a Christian family. My reply to that was that I thought so much. I remember also the father giving me a smile
Christian families are happy families.