Three times on the last page of a mission publication I am reading how to give money, bequests are mentioned, we are told how to make cheque donations, and we are also told that donations can be made online.
Recently it has been pointed out to me that the Lord Jesus Christ taught more about money than anything else. I have never thought too much about it, and I am quite surprised.
And here is what the Lord Jesus Christ says about wealth and possessions.

- Matthew 6:19-21:
- Matthew 6:24:
- Matthew 6: 30-34:
- Matthew 16:24-27:
- Matthew 19:17-21:
- Matthew 19:23-26:
- Mark 4:18-19:
- Mark 10:18-21:
- Mark 10:23-27:
- Mark 12:16-17:
- Luke 6:24-25:
- Luke 9:23-26:
- Luke 12:13-21:
- Luke 16:9-12:
- Luke 16:13:
- Luke 16:15:
- Luke 18:19-27
- Revelation 3:15-18:
Billy Graham says:
“If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area of his life.”
It has also been pointed out to me that the Lord Jesus Christ, so far as we know, never even asked for an offering,