“Get debt free faster,” says the big poster at one of our banks here in Kaitaia in big letters.
While “get debt free faster” is really still on my mind, I picked up a book telling me the true story about a grandfather and his grandchild.
The child came to granddad showing him a beautiful book and when the old man inquired how the child had acquired the book, the answer was that the owner of the shop, where the book was bought, was quite happy for the buyer to pay off a little bit every month.
Hearing this, granddad gave the boy the amount needed to pay for the total cost of the book and told his grandchild to go straight away and pay for the book in full.
The grandson became debt free very fast indeed, but had to promise never again to buy anything without paying for it straight away.
Did he keep the promise? I do hope so.

Children need to be taught: Sunday School Ministry in Thailand.
Picture / Alan Collingwood