Tauranga Bay

Jeremiah 1:10
today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms
Reading about fighting global warming and the most effective way to do so in the paper today, was a reminder that we are managers of the world of God. The Bible calls it stewardship. (The Northern Advocate, Saturday, July 6, 2019)
I also remember an ad I saw not long ago. The advertisement says that our climate loves our forests and that we should love our forests as well.
We are told that dangerous climate change is caused by carbon dioxide gas and that carbon dioxide gas is produced by industries and vehicles. The ad tells me also that trees not only reabsorb carbon but also safely lock it up in solid wood.
Research shows that not lifestyle changes are the most effective ways to fight cut carbon dioxide gas emissions, but planting trees. It is the trees, especially young trees, which take carbon dioxide out of the air.
As Christians we have three tasks:
There is first of all Evangelism.
Secondly loving our neighbor.
Thirdly we are made to manage the world of God.
I have heard a lot about Evangelism in the past and doing deeds of mercy, but not a lot about the “cultural mandate”. (Given to us by God at Creation.)
But I am glad that that has changed.
THE FOREST PEOPLE (The Pygmies of the Ituri Forest.)
Another second-hand book. The author is the professor of Anthropology Colin M. Turnbull. I have always been interested in Anthropology.
Straight away when beginning to read the book, I asked myself, “Have the Forest people ever heard the Gospel. When I finished the book I knew that they had heard the gospel. (I think I will read the book again, especially the parts where the missionaries are mentioned.)
And for this second-hand book I did not pay anything.
“For the sake of your name do not despise us; do not dishonor your glorious throne.” – Jeremiah 14:21
“Although our sins testify against us, O LORD, do something for the sake of your name.” – Jeremiah 14:7
“Das Evangelium ist dann eine gute Nachricht, wenn es zur rechten Zeit ankommt.” – Carl F. H. Henry
“Many shepherds will ruin my vineyard and trample down my field; …” – Jeremiah 12:10