How can a holy God and a guilty sinner be brought together? That is the question. And the answer is the cross of Christ.
God says, “the wages of sin is death,” and “without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” (Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:22)
I must die for my own sins. Life has been forfeited. In Leviticus 17 we are reading three times that “the life of every creature is its blood.” (17:11 and twice in 117:14)
God demands blood. In other words he demands life.
No other man can be my substitute, because all have sinned. Each man has to die for his own sins
But the Lord Jesus Christ could be my substitute, because he was without sin.
Is he your substitute?
You have nothing to do but to believe the message of the cross, and the Lord Jesus Christ will be your substitute.