There are two kinds of people in the world. There are the people who serve God. And there are the people who serve money.
Because all of us use money, all of us have a relationship to money.
- John 13:29: The Lord Jesus Christ used money.
- Proverbs 30:7-9: In chapter 30 of Proverbs the sayings of Agur are recorded, and what does he say about money? He did not want to be rich or poor, he only wanted sufficient to live on.
- Luke 18:23: In Luke chapter 18 the story of The Rich Ruler is told and in verse 23 we are told that he clung to money, with other words money was his master.
- Acts 5:1-11: Here we find the well known story of Ananias and Sapphira, who died because of what? They lied to God about money.
- Philippians 4:11-12: The Apostle Paul had the right relationship to money, he could take it or leave it.
What is your relationship to money?
How do I know that there are the two types of people in the world? Because the Lord Jesus Christ says in Luke 16:13: “‘You cannot serve both God and Money.'”
That is the end of verse 13. Please read the whole verse.