Included in almost all of the 20 different advertisements on one page in our local paper today is also the same message, only the wording is a little bit different:
“Leave your car in the garage – don’t drink and drive!”
“Don’t drink and drive, arrive alive.”
“Don’t drink and drive? Legend!”
“Take advantage of our courtesy van on Thursdays and Fridays.”
“Be safe, drive sober.”
The message is of course, “Don’t drink and drive, it’s not worth the risk.” “Live for tomorrow.”
Coming Monday, October 5, 2019 is Labour Day. It is a long weekend.” (Labour Weekend)
And this is what great men have said about alcohol:
“Alcohol is a poison men take into the mouth to steal away the brain.” – Shakespeare
“A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction.” – Abraham Lincoln