“Wir sind so mit unseren Programmen beschaeftigt, dass es uns stoert, wenn Gott zu uns spricht.” – Maria Prean
Monthly Archives: October 2019

“Just perfect for getting your teenager out of the house,” I have been reading for the first time not all that long ago on the cabin.
But today I am reading about a man who had for 18 years his 4 teenagers in his home. What does he say about those years?
He says that he remembers plenty of challenges and demands. They zapped his strength and the strength of his wife at times and took all their reserves, emotionally and mentally. He mentions also the turmoil of rebellion and the struggles through it.
He says also that during those 18 years of parenting, he learned some lessons.
Here are three:
- Love your children unconditionally.
- Help your children learn to love “The Book of Books”, the Bible.
- Show your children how to have a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
But he does not say that one of those cabins is “Just perfect for getting your teenager out of the house ,” but he says, “For 18 years, our home was blessed by the presence of teenagers,” because he is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Included in almost all of the 20 different advertisements on one page in our local paper today is also the same message, only the wording is a little bit different:
“Leave your car in the garage – don’t drink and drive!”
“Don’t drink and drive, arrive alive.”
“Don’t drink and drive? Legend!”
“Take advantage of our courtesy van on Thursdays and Fridays.”
“Be safe, drive sober.”
The message is of course, “Don’t drink and drive, it’s not worth the risk.” “Live for tomorrow.”
Coming Monday, October 5, 2019 is Labour Day. It is a long weekend.” (Labour Weekend)
And this is what great men have said about alcohol:
“Alcohol is a poison men take into the mouth to steal away the brain.” – Shakespeare
“A cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction.” – Abraham Lincoln


Golden Nugget

“Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning; for there are some who are ignorant of God – I say this to your shame.” – 1 Corinthians 15:34
“Today if you experience a disappointment, deal with it; don’t let it multiply.” – Helen Steiner Rice
“Today the most memorable happening will be the one in which you helped someone else.” – Helen Steiner Rice

“Today pattern your life after a candle – radiate light to those around you.” – Helen Steiner Rice