SPEAKER : Marizete Craddock
November 9th
9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.
SPEAKER : Marizete Craddock
November 9th
9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Thumps up to the mobile coffee man you can find before you enter Pukenui at the edge of the Houhora Harbor, a locality in the Far North District of New Zealand, coming from Kaitaia.
He did not accept payment from me, when I ordered a second cup of coffee. And it seems to me that I forget to thank people properly, when they do a good deed for me. And I don’t think I thanked him as I should have done.
His place is like an open air restaurant with table, and chairs and it is a gathering place for a good number of people.
Long ago I remember reading that someone said something like this:
I have met born again believers who were ardent readers of the Bible, but they were not really full of the joy of the Lord; I have met born again believers who were great prayer warriors, but they were not really full of the joy of the Lord; but I have never met a born again believer who was a witness for the Lord and was not full of the joy of the Lord (Personal Evangelism).
That “coffee shop” at the edge of the water became especially last time when I was there a witnessing place for me.
“‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'” – Acts 1:8
And once more thumbs up to the mobile coffee shop man, who did not only not accept payment for my second cup of coffee, but also gave me a chocolate fish with the coffee and let me tell the GOOD NEWS to his customers.
And when I am going to Pukenui again and stop at his “coffee shop,” for coffee, I intend to thank him as I should have for the free coffee received.