“‘Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.'” – Matthew 10:29
About family and friends I am reading in one of our papers.
Someone said that coping with disappointment taught him the importance of his relationships with family and friends. He said the stronger the relationships are, the better we are off. He said also that strong relationships with family and friends get you through everything.
I have a strong relationship with my family.
I have a relationship with my friends.
And I could tell you about my relationship with my family, and I could tell you about my relationship with my friends. But I rather want to tell you about my best friend, the Lord Jesus Christ and my relationship with him.
In John 15:14 the Lord Jesus Christ says:
Please read the Bible to find out what the Lord Jesus Christ commands.
I cannot say that strong relationships with family and friends gets me through everything, but I can say that a strong relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ gets me through everything, and I can also say that the relationship everybody really needs is the relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
“Ich glaube, dass auch unsere Fehler und Irrtuemer nicht vergeblich sind und dass es Gott nicht schwerer ist, mit ihnen fertig zu werden, als mit unseren vermeintlichen Guttaten.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer