“Wer den Schluessel des Gebets hat, kann den Himmel oeffnen.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“Wer den Schluessel des Gebets hat, kann den Himmel oeffnen.” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Notes taken from the Life Application Study Bible (NIV) , Genesis chapter 11:3,4.
The Sky Tower in Auckland is 1,076 feet (328 metres) tall. The tower reminds me of the tower of Babel, we are reading about in the Bible in Genesis 11:1-9.
The tower of Babel was a monument to the people themselves. Are we also building “towers” to call attention to our own achievements? Are we using them to give us identity and self-worth?
What are our “towers”, our monuments?
If we are using all those things to give us identity and self-worth, they take the place of God in our lives.
The Sky Tower in Auckland is the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere. (I still think it is.)
But there are taller buildings in this world, namely the Empire State building in New York at 1,250 feet, the Petronas Twin towers in Kuala Lumpur at 1,483 feet, the Taipa 101 building at 1,670 feet and the Burj in Dubai at 2,657 feet.
SPEAKER : Marizete Craddock
November 9th
9:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.
Thumps up to the mobile coffee man you can find before you enter Pukenui at the edge of the Houhora Harbor, a locality in the Far North District of New Zealand, coming from Kaitaia.
He did not accept payment from me, when I ordered a second cup of coffee. And it seems to me that I forget to thank people properly, when they do a good deed for me. And I don’t think I thanked him as I should have done.
His place is like an open air restaurant with table, and chairs and it is a gathering place for a good number of people.
Long ago I remember reading that someone said something like this:
I have met born again believers who were ardent readers of the Bible, but they were not really full of the joy of the Lord; I have met born again believers who were great prayer warriors, but they were not really full of the joy of the Lord; but I have never met a born again believer who was a witness for the Lord and was not full of the joy of the Lord (Personal Evangelism).
That “coffee shop” at the edge of the water became especially last time when I was there a witnessing place for me.
“‘But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.'” – Acts 1:8
And once more thumbs up to the mobile coffee shop man, who did not only not accept payment for my second cup of coffee, but also gave me a chocolate fish with the coffee and let me tell the GOOD NEWS to his customers.
And when I am going to Pukenui again and stop at his “coffee shop,” for coffee, I intend to thank him as I should have for the free coffee received.
GOLDEN NUGGET: “The name of the LORD is a strong tower.” – Proverbs 18:10