“I have a book in my library …”
An engineer said this about the slender volume in his library:
“I have a book in my library, which I have borrowed. With a heavy heart I am returning it to the rightful owner. I am going to miss it very much.”
I have that book also in my small library. I did not borrow it. It is my property. I have had it for a long time. I must have bought it in Germany when I was a new believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am amazed that I still have it after all that travelling from one end of the other, so to speak.
And so far as I know I have never read the book properly.
But reading what the engineer said about the slender volume makes me want to read it properly.
The title of the book is in German ICH ABER BETE, and the author is Alfred Christlieb (“BUT I AM PRAYING”).