“‘We saw clearly that the LORD was with you,'” said the king of the Philistines Abimelech to Isaac, when he came to him with his personal adviser Ahuzzath and Phicol, the commander of his forces, from Gerar.
Please read the verses 26-28 in Genesis chapter 26. (First book of the Bible.)
But before Abimelech said to Isaac, “‘We saw clearly that the LORD was with you,'” he said, “‘Move away from us; you have become too powerful for us.'”
You find that in verse 16 of Genesis chapter 26.
I hope that you are now encouraged to read the whole of chapter 26 of Genesis, the verses 1-35!
Now, what do people see when they look at us, especially when we are going through a hard time?
Let us also remember that Abimelech, Ahuzzath and Phicol saw not only that the LORD was with Isaac, but that they saw CLEARLY that the LORD was with Isaac.