“Giving the gift of life,” it says on the leaflet I received with the application form for the renewal of my driver licence. On the form I can indicate whether I am willing to donate organs in the event of my death.
Reading “Giving the gift of life” brings a verse from the Bible to my mind, namely Romans 6:23, where it says, “FOR THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD.”

The leaflet tells me that it is all about saving and improving the physical lives of other people through organ and tissue donations.
But there is not only physical life, there is also eternal life.
Our physical life is brief. The Bible says that it is like a shadow and like a vanishing vapor.
Our eternal life is forever.
We value of course our physical life, but we must never forget that our spiritual life is more important.