“Anxiety Disorders

Now Only

$ 45.00″

says the picture on the last page of one of our newspapers. And this is the caption: “Why pay when you can get it for free?”

The Bible has a lot to say about anxiety. Philippians 4:4-6 is a familiar passage. There it says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Have you ever heard sermons on that passage in the Bible? I think the best sermon on Philippians 4:4-6 I ever read was in the book called Spiritual Depression by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones called “THE PEACE OF GOD”.

“The heart and the mind are outside our control,” writes D. M. Lloyd-Jones in the sermon.

I hope you are now interested to get the book and read the sermon!


“A forgotten milestone,” is the headline of a letter to the editor in our local newspaper. Reading that reminds me of the milestones in my life which are not forgotten. Two are outstanding and here they are.


When I passed from darkness to light in my teens. I had a second birthday. I began a new life. I became a member of the family of God. I entered the door to salvation and into heaven.


Eventually I managed to read the Bible from cover to cover. Many years ago I read the Bible twice in one year from cover to cover, from GENESIS to REVELATION. And when I say from cover to cover I mean every word!

In the letter to the editor the writer points out a celebration which is passing unnoticed. And now I am asking myself, “Is there a milestone, a significant event in my life, which is passing unnoticed, which is forgotten?” I hope not!