In a brochure featuring properties from Northland and other places you can find one propertry of 30 acres called “Diamond in the rough.”

This morning in my Bible Reading I came to Zechariah chapter nine. In the verses 16 and 17 it talks about a CERTAIN DAY and “the flock of his people.” “They will sparkle in his land like jewels in his crown.” “How attractive and beautiful they will be!” Zechariah 9:16,17

Now, can we say, that believers here on earth are “diamonds in rough?” What do you think?

Although sanctification is a Basic Bible Truth we don’t hear very much about it from the pulpits these days. At the moment we are not so much interested in the meaning and the means of sanctification, but the question at hand is: When does sanctification take place?

Sanctification is instantaneous, progressive and complete. The immediate part of sanctification takes place when we are born again. SANCTIFICATION TAKES ALSO PLACE DURING THE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE BORN AGAIN BELIEVER. That is ongoing sanctification. Complete sanctification takes place when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back.

Can we say now: Believers are “Diamonds in the Rough” until they die?

Please let me know!
