“We love feeding young minds.” That’s how the pamphlet begins and you can find it at Subway.

What a headline! Of course, I am very interested!

It’s all about “Introducing The Subway School Lunch Programme.” Inside the flier it says, “A nourishing lunch keeps a child’s mind ready to learn all afternoon.”

I also love feeding young minds. But I also love feeding old minds. I love feeding young and old minds with the WORD OF THE LIVING GOD.

Listen to what it says in Deuteronomy 6:6-9:

“These commandments that I give you today

— are to be upon your heart.

–Impress them on your children.

–Talk about them….”

Keep on reading! That is in fact again another really good sermon outline.

I loveĀ  feeding young minds with the Word of God. And I love the people who love feeding young minds with the Word of God. George and Bessie King come to my mind. They loved feeding young minds with the Word of God in the schools around Kaitaia. Both are with the Lord now. I remember going with George to teach the Bible in Waiharara, Pukenui, Ngataki and Te Kao. He called it the Northern trip and we went every Wednesday to all four schools. Up north lived a Maori lady called Mary. At her place we ate our lunch. She provided us with drinks.