“……. Simply tell us about your Passion in Life -……..”

“…. simply tell us about your passion in life -…..”

It is a joy for me to do so.

Recently Huffer redisigned the look of the new Telecom mobile broadband T- Sticks. I am reading that in the November 2010 Telecom newsletter called: “In Touch”.

Huffer is a successful business. Why? The reason is the passion of their people.

Telecom is giving away five of the Huffer-designed T – Sticks in a draw. What must I do to be in the draw to win? It says in the newsletter:  “Passion is central to the Huffer team so simply tell us about your passion in life – it might be your kids, your classic sports car or your pet canary!”

My Passion in life:

Read the posts:

“Concern for the souls” and “‘…..the passion for the Lost…'” on this blog!

With other words I am concerned for the GLORY OF GOD!