I have seen Lifestyle insurance advertised. You probably too.
We can also learn more about sustainable lifestyles. There are Sustainable Living Courses we can attend.
There is a Lifestyle newspaper for the 50+ called “OLDER AND BOLDER”.
The last Lausanne Congress was in Cape Town in 2010.
In the report I am reading about holy lifestyles.
“A Nairobi pastor, Calisto Odede, reminded us of the work of the Holy Spirit in the East African revival where the key phrase from that time was “walking in the light”. He challenged the church to a revival of holy lifestyles, charging us that “we must be different because we are different.”
I am reading also in the report that one theme of the Congress was a “call to the church to a restoration of Biblical living; to personal and organizational holiness”.
We are challenged to concentrate and focus on a holy lifestyle.
Our lifestyle must be influenced by the Bible.
LIFE STYLE the particular attitudes, habits, or behaviour associated with an individual or group. (Collins Concise Dictionary)
Read what the Bible teaches about attitudes, habits and behaviour:
Attitudes: Ephesians 4:23; Philippians 2:5. First Peter 4:1; Hebrews 4:12.
Habits: First Timothy 5:13; Hebrews 10:25
Behaviour: First Peter 3:1; First Peter 3:16. Romans 13:13