“love your stuff”

“love your stuff”

I don’t think that I love my stuff, but  I am looking after my stuff. The reason why I look after my stuff  is probably because  I don’t have very much.  Just the necessary things. And that is good. Because I don’t have very much, I don’t have much property to look after.

The Bible, the Word of the Living God teaches that A MAN’S LIFE DOES NOT CONSIST IN THE ABUNDANCE OF HIS EARTHLY RICHES.

Did we bring anything into the world? Can we take anything out of this world? The answer to both questions is NO!

In a very old book I am reading that in the United States in one year seventy-nine millionaires and eighty-eight bankers committed suicide.

Jeremiah 9:23  says “Let not the rich man glory in his riches.”


The Bible, the Word of the Living God teaches that A MAN’S LIFE CONSISTS IN THE ABUNDANCE OF HIS SPIRITUAL RICHES.

Let us find the spiritual riches in  Paul’s letter to the Ephesians:

In Ephesians 3:8 he is telling us about the unsearchable riches of Christ. Endless treasures in Christ are available. Paul is preaching the unsearchable treasures. If we want to know them, we must read the Bible, the Word of the Living God. In Ephesians 1:7 we read with great joy that God forgave our sins. God purchased also our freedom. With what? With the blood of his Son. Let us rejoice. Why did he do all that? Because he is so rich in his kindness and grace. Ephesians 2:7 speaks about the riches of his grace.  His riches are incomparable it says.

We must have a rich relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!