That’s what it says on the poster I saw at the meeting place of the local Salvation Army here in Kaitaia on Commerce Street.
Have you heard about setting goals? I have!
Different people have different goals. But whenever someone reaches a goal there is disappointment.
Do you know what happened to some of the early Apollo astronauts? Some of them became depressed and experienced emotional problems upon returning from the moon.
That’s why it is good to have several goals and different goals at the same time. But whenever they are reached there is again disappointment.
We must find a goal that cannot be reached!
What is that goal? That goal is love. The apostle Paul says in First Corinthians 14:1 “Make love your aim, …”
What is LOVE? That is probbaly now your question.
We find the answer in First Corinthians 13:4-7:
LOVE is patient, kind, not jealous, not boastful…….
Love has no limits!