“When the world is your playground, 365 days in a year means 365 uniquely amazing events. Whichever event you fancy – book now and play later!”, says the advertisement on the front page. (The New Zealand Herald, travel, Octber 4, 2011)
I am interested!
Three events are listed. They are “Africa, Wildebeest Migration; Morocco, World Music Festival and Thailand, Songkran Water Festival.”
Picture / Georgina Stott
Songkhran 2011
I am even more interested! Why?
Because I used to work in Thailand as missionary for 13 years.
Thailand is for me a Mission Field. The fact is that the whole world is a Mission Field for me.
I arrived in Thailand Christmas 1966 and left Thailand at the end of 1979.
Here are some of the highlights during my stay there:
Our missionary society worked in three provinces, in Tak, Sukhothai and Kamphengphat. One of the highlights was always when the Thai leaders of the three provinces came together for special meetings. A Thai was the guest speaker.
Samyong Songsan Prasopsin was one of the guest speakers.
“SONGS FROM THE HEART” is the book called Averil Bennet has written about “The Life of Pastor- Musician Samyong Prasopsin who gave the Thai church its own songs.”
Please get the book and read it!
Tribal people lived not very far from Tak and it was great to have them come to our church in Tak at least one year to celebrate Christmas with us. Another highlight!
In preparation for Thailand I had about half a year in London. I stayed at the headquarters of WEC International in London.
“THE BATTLE FIELD IS THE WORLD” was written over the door of the dining room.