“If you’re waiting for a sign this is it.”  That was written on one of the two newly bought  and neatly framed posters the lady was carrying.

But I was more interested in the second poster on which was a big picture of an enormous paperclip and at the bottom of the left corner it said: “KEEP IT TOGETHER.”

“Don’t lose it” is one definition of KEEP IT TOGETHER. I have also read that KEEP IT TOGETHER is a self motivational phrase. We are meant to use the phrase when things are getting chaotic and when we freak. With other words when we need help.

I don’t know about motivating myself with a phrase like that , but I have read what people who needed help have done, like David (The David, we read about in the Bible), the Sons of Korah , Asaph and others.

I want to do what they did!

David says that he called to God for help and that God healed him. (Psalm 30:2) On another occasion David was distressed and he called to the Lord. He says even that he cried to his God for help. And God heard his voice from his temple. His cry reached the  ears of God. (Psalm 18:6) In Psalm 108:12 he is talking to God about his enemy and says, “Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless.”

The sons of Korah are singing this song: 1. They are singing that God is their refuge. 2. That God is their strength. 3. That God is their help. their “ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Asaph is asking God for help in Psalm 79:9 Here are his own words, “Help us, O God our Saviour, for the glory of your name; deliver us and forgive our sins for your name’s sake.”

I like especially Psalm 10:14 where the fatherless are mentioned. That verse is for me because I grew up without a father and I have experienced that God is the helper of the fatherless.

How do we keep it together now and forever?

Keep in close daily contact with the Lord Jesus Christ, who existed before anything else and who holds everything together.

    Colossians 1:17 “He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”