“Preserve your memories for 300 years IN GOLD”, I read.
It is all about memories in the Christmas Catalogue from “Kodak Express”. I picked the catalogue up at Kaitaia’s Photo and Image Centre Kodak Express. On another page is explained how we can share and protect memories. Image recovery is also provided by image experts.
Every family has a history. The catalogue ENCOURAGES us also not to forget our family history, but to preserve it forever. We are ENCOURAGED to print our own family photos and display them in stunning frames and albums.
One page explains digitally displays, and we are told how to relive ALL our memories
But is it nor true that every family has skeletons hidden in the closet?
And what about the yellow stickers I saw on the letter boxes on my way to the photo shop?
And underneath a phone number.
I have also two fridge magnets with the same writing on it.
I remember also reading about the WHITE RIBBON DAY in the newspaper.
Show you’re against violence towards women.
I picked up two WHITE RIBBONS at the local Women’s refuge. On the back of the WHITE RIBBON it says, “Wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge never to COMMIT, CONDONE. or REMAIN SILENT about violence against women.
But how can we keep the pledge? I find it easy not to remain silent. I find it easy not to condone violence against women. But what about not committing violence against women?
The GOSPEL is the answer! Only the LORD Jesus Christ can help us!
We need to preach the GOSPEL! We need to ask the LORD to raise up evangelists who preach the GOSPEL in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT! We must ask the Lord to bring people out of darkness into light, from death into life.