Today I met Ryan in Kaitaia on his WALK FOR CHRIST

Today I met Ryan Craig on his Walk for Christ from the bottom of the South Island of New Zealand to the top of the North Island of New Zealand on Commerce Street here in Kaitaia.

Ryan lives in Twezel on the South Island of NZ and works in a bee keeping business. He is 25 years old and wants to see God move in this nation.

The following is from his pamphlet he gave me:


God said:P1220310

‘If My people who are called by My name put away their pride and pray, and look for My face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’



Second Chronicles 7:14-15

(New Life Version)


I had a picture in my mind of a cross behind a window. The window represents the church. The cross represents Christ.

The window is fractured into thousand of fragments. This represents divisions and hurts in the church, so people can not see Christ through the church clearly.

I am challenging all followers of Jesus Christ to pray and repent together and seek the face of God.

That way people outside the church can again see Christ in the church.”P1220299