How is your Start in the MORNING?


“If you don’t start too well in the morning, get someone to choke you. It works with cars,” I am reading in the Grapevine magazine ISSUE 3 2012.

I have a question for all those who do not start too well in the morning: Are you doing your morning Quiet Time?

Here is an order for the Quiet Time:

A brief prayer

Bible Reading


The BIBLE is food for the soul.

I noticed how important food is not many days ago. Our peace lily did not look good at all to say the least. But someone had already noticed that before me and done something about it.

The next day it looked so good that I had to take this picture:


Feed your soul in the morning! First Peter 2:2,3 says:

“Like  newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”