This is the Method to get a Message across!

This is the Method to get a Message across.

“E Tu Whanau!” (“Stand up, Family!”)

That is the message and I find the message today almost everywhere. Why?

(I joined the White Ribbon  Event in Kaitaia, 25 November. It is all about to stop violence towards women. There is a post on this blog!)

P1230413The message “E Tu Whanau!” (“Stand up Family!”) is all about “The Strength and Power of the Whanau” and “We’re taking action to make the Whanau stronger”.

“E Tu” is written on two pens I received, on a fan, (to be operated by hand) on a writing pad, and on  small and big posters. 

One poster says:


 Another poster says:


That is the way to get a Message across. We find the same method in the Bible, the Word of the Living God.

The message of the Bible are the commands of God. “Love the LORD your God  with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5)P1230399

We are told to write the commands on the doorframes of our houses and on our gates. We are told to tie the commands as symbols on our hands and to bind them on our foreheads. We are also told in the Bible to talk about the commands. When are we supposed to do that? The answer is when we sit at home, when we are walking along the street, when we lie down on our beds and when we get up. We are also to impress the commands of God on our kids. The commands of the Lord are to be upon our hearts. Please read Deuteronomy 6:4-9!

Do we have Family Violence because we do not write the commands of the Lord on the doorframes of our houses and on our gates?