Today I learned more about the LITTLE DUTIES. About the daily round.
I am very much interested in the little duties. You probably too.
Some time ago I learned this about the little duties: “LIfe is full of little duties. Worrying about them, grumbling about them, dwelling apon them makes the duties shackles which bind us, but just doing the duties makes them wings.” – Anonymous
There is a shop in the town where I live, (Kaitaia/NZ) where you can buy lawnmowers you can ride on. The mowers are displayed outside in front of the shop, and there are many.
Today I passed the shop at the time in the evening when someone pushed the mowers back to safety into the shop, and do you know what the reply of the young man was, when I mentioned the little duties, the daily round? He said, “THAT IS MY GYM WORK.”
According to The Collins Concise Dictionary Attitude is “the way a person views something or tends to behave towards it, often in an evaluative way.”
“That is my Gym Work.” That is the right attitude. I have learned something!