Reading a good number of Early Childhood Learning Centres advertisements (newborn2five, march 2013), I noticed the two words RELATIONSHIP and FUTURE occuring again and again.
One Early Childhood Learning Centre advertises an “environment where children form trusting relationships.” I am reading also in some ads that children are taught to “relate positively to others.” “Developing meaningful relationships” is also taught.
There is no doubt that early Childhood Learning Centres are aware of the importance of relationships.
(But let us never forget that there is one relationship, which is of uttermost importance, and that is the relationship with our creator.)
“Helping Build Children’s Futures” advertises EDUCARE NORTH. Another ad says, “Little steps towards great futures!”
Early Childhood Learning Centres are also aware of the importance of children’s futures.
What is now the best way to help a child to build a future?
The best way to help children build big futures is to teach them that they can have a living relationship with their creator.
“Give your child a great start,” says the KINDERGARTEN ad in the above mentioned publication. The greatest start you can give your child is to tell them about the LOVE OF GOD!