Oscar Wilde says, “Good resolutions are simply cheques that men draw on a bank where they have no account.”
There is one book I love more than any other book and that is the Bible. The fact is actually that you cannot compare the Bible with any other book.
The Bible is a book that is alive for me. That has not always been so, but the Bible became alive for me, when I was eighteen years of age.
But I had a problem with reading the Bible from cover to cover. I read here a little bit and there a little bit. It was all a bit scrappy.
But my desire was to read the Bible like any other book, from the first page to the last page, all 66 books, from Genesis to Revelation.
Without going into details, let me just tell you that all my resolutions did not help!
But all of a sudden a miracle happened. I call it a miracle. There was one year when I read the Bible from cover to cover twice. When I say from cover to cover I mean it, every word!
I am thinking here especially about the first nine chapters of the book called First Chronicles!
And from then on I read the Bible each year from the first page to the last page at least once.
And do you think I have a bank account in Heaven. I leave it to you to answer that question!