Written some time ago:
“People don’t notice whether it’s winter or summer when they’re happy,” says Anton Chekhov.
It’s actually winter here in new Zealand while I am writing this. It is cold, raining, and this morning we had a heavy storm and the power was off for some time. Believe it or not but the power went off again for some time while I was writing the last sentence.
In my reading of the Bible from cover to cover I read not long ago in the book called First Chronicles that “there were plentyful supplies” of everything. The reason why “there were plentyful supplies” is also given. There was plenty of flour. There were plenty of cakes made from figs and raisins. There was also plenty of wine and oil. And not only that, there were also plenty of cattle and sheep. There was plenty of food.
Because there was joy in the country of Israel. Because there was the joy of the Lord in the country of Israel.
And where you meet happy people, there is laughter. Where you find people who are full of joy there is laughter.
“Laughter is still the best medicine,” I am reading in the magazine called Reader’s Digest.