The 2014 General Election is on September 20.

An Election flyer admonishes me to make my vote count.

The first definition of the word vote  in The Collins Concise Dictionary says, “an indication of choice, opinion, or will on a question.”

When I was in  my teens the question that was uppermost on my mind was the question about life:

“What is life all about?” “Where do I come from?” “Where do I go to?” “What is the meaning of what lies between birth and death?” “Where do I find the answer about life?”

Children ask the parents. When the parents don’t know the answer, the teacher in the school is asked. If the teacher does not know the answer, the pastor is asked. But sometimes the pastor does not know the answer either. I think that actually happened to me.

"Make your vote count"

“Make your vote count”

I read books by philosophers, but did really did not understand  what their writing was all about.

After a long search I found the answer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I believed in the Lord Jesus Christ when I was 18 years of age and chose to follow him.

The Lord Jesus Christ led me to go to a Bible school, to apply to a missionary society and to be a missionary. I worked as a missionary  in Thailand and New Zealand.

When I was in my teens I enjoyed reading books  about foreign countries, because I wanted to go there. And I don’t need to tell you that missionaries see quite a bit of the world. I remember a saying, “Join WEC and you see the world.” WEC is a missionary society.

When I believed in the Lord Jesus Christ the Bible was no longer like any other book on my bookshelf, but the Bible became alive for me.

In his letter to the Ephesians the apostle Paul writes, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

Now I know that it was not me choosing the Lord, but the Lord choosing me and that happened before the creation of the world. I am glad and I rejoice that it is the Lord and not me who makes my vote count.