“‘Therefore go …'”

There are places in this world with a small population, but a strong Christian Witness, and we are thankful for places like that. In those places are lots of Churches and pastors.

Are you living in a place like that?

But there are also places with lots of people and hardly any Christian Witness.

Not long ago a Bible League International pamphlet came to me by post and the publication tells me some Fast Facts about SENEGAL:

Population: 12,521,851

Number of Full-time Christian workers: Less than 100

Population below the International Poverty Line of 1.25 per day: 29.6%

Missionary Work in THAILAND

Missionary Work in THAILAND

Picture:Allan Collingwood

In Matthew 28 at the end we find The Great Commission and there the Lord Jesus Christ says:

“‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.'”