“For generations to come,” it says in the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) pamphlet called “Recreational Fishing Rules,” I picked up yesterday at the store in Pukenui. Whenever I hear the word “generations,” I am wide awake, because I am very much interested in our children and their children after them.




Fishing rules surely have to do with the next generation. If we don’t keep fisheries sustainable, stick to the rules and fish responsibly, there will be no fish for the generations to come.

But let us move from the worldly, the physical, to the spiritual. We don’t only have a body, but also a soul and a spirit.


God’s commandments are to be taught to the next generation that the next generation may fear the LORD.

The commandments of the LORD are to be on our hearts. We are to impress them on our children. We are to talk about them when we sit at home and when we walk along the road, when we lie down and when we get up. We are to tie them as symbols on our hands and bind them on our foreheads. We are to write them on the doorframes of our houses and our gates.

The MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries) pamphlet tells us also how to report poaching and suspicious or illegal activity.

I believe that if we would be more diligent in teaching the observance of God’s commandments, there would be less poaching and illegal activity.