“When life isn’t a beach,” it says on the last page of the magazine called “CHRISTIAN LIFE,” Issue 19.
Looking closer I see that it is a whole page counselling advertisement.
Now, what does the “BOOK OF BOOKS,” the Bible, say about counselling?
Here is what the Bible says about counsel, counselor and counsels. I picked just a few verses.
First Kings 22:5:
The first thing we must do is seek the counsel of the LORD.
Psalm 73:24:
The LORD is guiding us with his counsel.
Psalm 107:11:
We can despise the counsel of the Most High.
Isaiah 28:29
The LORD Almighty is wonderful in counsel.
John 14:16:
Here the Lord Jesus Christ says that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor and that he will be with us forever.
John 14:26:
The counselor is the Holy Spirit and he will teach us all things and remind us of everything the Lord has said to us.
John 15:26:
The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, will testify about the Lord Jesus Christ.
John 16:7:
The Lord Jesus Christ has sent the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 16:7:
Here David says that he will praise the LORD who counsels him.