Prophecies Fulfilled

Notes taken from, “Licht vom unerschoepften Lichte”, by Wilhelm Busch.

This is the time to ride the bike

This is the time to ride the bike

We see the beginning of fulfilled prophecies in Matthew 3:1 and 3.

The Old Testament and the New Testament are in harmony. Isaiah saw what would happen in the far future and told us about it.

A. Isaiah speaks about John the Baptist in Isaiah 40:3. Read also what it says in Matthew 3:3.

B. Isaiah speaks about the Lord Jesus Christ in Isaiah 53:6.

C. Isaiah speaks also about us in Isaiah 43:24.

What a blessing it is that Isaiah not only speaks about John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus Christ, but also about us.

He is speaking about me, and I know what my response is.

But what is your response?