We are lacking something. And that is peace. Our souls are longing for peace.
In his book Licht vom unerschoepften Lichte Pastor Wilhelm Busch is writing about a German emperor who ruled when Martin Luther lived.
At the height of his reign the emperor gave everything up and entered the monastery of St. Just. Why did he do that? Everybody asked that question.
The power and the glory of this world could not give him what he was looking for. His heart was searching for peace.
Kaiser Karl V was the emperor.
Pastor Busch is also mentioning someone else.
This poet had riches, beauty and the pleasures of the world, and he was famous.
But this is what he said: He said that he was tired of everything. He asked, “What is the purpose of all the pain and pleasure?” He continued, “Sweet peace come into my heart.”
He had everything except peace.
His name was Goethe.
In John 20:19 the Lord Jesus Christ says, “PEACE BE WITH YOU!”
Did Kaiser Karl V and Goethe find the peace they were longing for? I do not know.