“How are they doing it?” That is the question I am asking!
I am talking about rhyming.
I hope that some of you are familiar with the hymn “What a friend we have in Jesus.”
Here is verse two of the hymn in English:
“Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged-take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our ev’re weakness-take it to the Lord on prayer.”
“Anywhere” is a rhyme for “prayer.”
Here is verse two of the hymn in German:
“Wenn des Feindes Macht uns drohet und manch Sturm rings um uns weht,
brauchen wir uns nicht zu fuerchten, stehn wir glaeubig in Gebet.
Da erweist sich Jesus Treue, wie er uns zur Seite steht
als ein maechtiger Erretter, der erhoert ein ernst Gebet.”
“Weht” is a rhyme for “Gebet.”
Not long ago it came to me to put a German saying into English.
The saying in German:
“Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute,
sagen alle faulen Leute.”
“Heute” is a rhyme for “Leute.”
The saying in English:
“Tomorrow, tomorrow, not today,
that’s what lazy people say.”
“Today” is a rhyme for “say.”
Now I did it myself, maybe even more accurately than the people in the hymnbook.