On the road to Te Aroha in New Zealand

“On the road to nowhere,” is the heading of the article in THE NATIONAL FARMING REVIEW, April 2016.

Reading that I cannot help thinking …

I am thinking that I am on the road to somewhere, I am rejoicing that I am on the way to Heaven.

What about the inhabitants of heaven?

Matthew 6:9: God the Father lives there.

Acts 3:21: The Lord Jesus Christ went there after His ascension

Matthew 18:10: Angels are in heaven.

First Thessalonians 4:14: All those who have died trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ will be in heaven.

According to Revelation 20:10 the devil will never enter heaven. And Luke 12:33 tells us that thieves will not be in heaven.

The fact is that all of us are on the road to somewhere. Those of us who are not on the road to heaven are on the road to hell.

The BIBLE says so.