Second Hand Books

“Through Blood and Fire,” is one of the second hand book I bought not long ago for $1.00 called. Underneath the title of the book is written: “The Life of General William Booth. The book is written by Trevor Yaxley with Carolyn Vanderwal.

KAITAIA: Salvation Army Premises on Commerce Street.


Winkie Pratney writes in his preface of the book that William and Catherine Booth preached neglected parts of the Bible, namely real surrender to the Person of God and real surrender to the purpose of God. Some sought Salvation without those two things and often feared to preach them and often avoided to preach them.

The foundation of the Booths was apostolic.


When William Booth was very young he worked in a pawnshop and he was also required to work on a Sunday. He knew that working for a Christian on a Sunday was against the command of the Bible and he told his boss – who fired him.

But soon the owner of the pawnshop realized that he had lost his best worker and called him back and W. Booth was not forced to work on a Sunday any more.

If I would have bought the book “Through Blood and Fire” new, I would have paid $19.95. (Second hand $1.00.) And let us also remember that some of the good old books are out of print.