It is always a blessing to read books by Billy Graham.

“Who would you most like to meet?” is one of the questions in the Table Talkers box.

(“Find out the answers to 46 revealing questions in this box and get to know your friends and family a whole lot better at your next social occasion,” is written on the box.

“Who would you most like to meet?”

When I was a new convert the answer was certainly Billy Graham.

But of course I met other Evangelists as well after passing from darkness to light.

I was in Germany at that time and I heard Evangelists over the radio and also went to their meetings in Germany and also in Switzerland.

There was Werner Heukelbach, Leo Janz and his team, Wim Malgo, Samuel Furrer and many more.

But I never met Billy Graham. I almost met him in Bangkok while working as a missionary in Thailand. The Thai church had a special anniversary and Billy Graham was supposed to be the guest speaker. But something happened and he could not come.

“Who would you most like to meet?” The answer now is the Lord Jesus Christ.