The International World Day of Peace was commemorated on 21 September.
Look at the divisions in this world; there are minor and there are major divisions.
Why are there divisions?
Look at the separations worldwide and at home. Husbands and wives are separating. They loved each other once, but now they cannot get on with each other any more.
What is the cause?
Look at the quarrels among men. And the quarrels are not far away, they are right at our doorsteps. There are quarrels everywhere. There are quarrels in the homes. Parents quarreling with their children. Brothers and sisters cannot get on with each other. There are disputes between neighbors. That are the so-called family feuds. And the boss has squabbles with the employee.
I ask once more, “Why?”
The Bible teaches that all the troubles are due to one thing only, namely, that we are all separated from our creator.
Billy Graham says, “I could say to the leaders of all governments today that there can be no peace until Christ has come to the hearts of men and brought His peace.”