I saw that written on a wall, which looked inviting like a blackboard. I think you would call it a graffiti message.

The message is probably: We want to be free. We want to do what we like. That would be really nice. We do not want to do what somebody else tells us to do.

Straight away the following came to mind,”There is no freedom without a sense of responsibility.” I read that some time ago in the Reader’s Digest. That is true!

Think about the traffic rules. I was born in Germany. There we drive on the right side of the road. I left Germany when I was 26 years of age for Thailand. In Thailand they drive on the left side of the road like NZ. Good, that I only had a push bike in Germany. I started driving motorbikes in Thailand. I would have really trouble on the road, if I would go back to Germany now.

We must act responsible on the street. We must drive according to the road rules. Otherwise we have chaos on the street and not freedom.

Some time ago I talked to two men about the crime rate in our country. So far I could see they were not believers in the Lord. But nevertheless one was for the GOLDEN RULE of conduct formulated by our Lord. (Matthew 7:12) The other man said,”We must come back to the ten Commandments.”

I have not the money for it. But I think it would be good to have the written ten Commandments on TV every hour. It would do the whole nation a lot of good. We must not forget PRAYER of course!

Another commandment is found in Second Corinthians 6:14-16. Believers marrying unbelievers. Sometimes the girl is already pregnant on the Wedding Day. After a couple of years everything is finished. But there are also one or two kids to be looked after.– Disobedience (SIN) has long shadows.

Finally: Back to the law of the Living God. “There is NO FREEDOM without a sense of responsibility.”