What does the Bible teach about Body, Soul and Spirit?


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The following is from the book: “one hundred bible lessons” by Alban Douglas, Lesson 38. (Alban Douglas, formerly a missionary with OVERSEAS MISSIONARY FELLOWSHIP)

Body, soul and spirit are the three parts of man.

First Thessalonians 5:23

Hebrews 4:12

What happens at death?

The body goes to the earth.

The spirit goes to the creator.

Ecclesiastes 12:7

Where did the soul of the beggar go?

Answer: Bosom of Abraham. Luke 16:22

Where did the soul of the rich man go?

Answer: Hell. Luke 16:23

We are tripartite, because we are going to three different places.

“God designed that the human spirit indwelt and ruled by the Holy Spirit, should keep man in constant touch with Himself, and maintain in everything its proper preeminence, ruling soul and body.” – A.T. Piersen

Why did the Lord Jesus Christ die?

To redeem what?

Answer: Our soul.

Hebrews 10:39; James 1:21 and Psalm 49:8