World Teachers’ Day – 30 October 2009

I read with great interest what the Emeritus Professor Ivan Snook said in May 2005 to the graduating teacher education students at Massey University. ( “For Teachers” – Spring – Issue 12)

“The ability of people to participate in society is dependent on the quality of the education they receive. And this depends, not on large bureaucracies, glossy brochures, curriculum documents, or flowery mission statements, but on the personal qualities of the teachers.”

And this here is the Mission statement of one of the local churches in Kaitaia.


“To glorify God, to reach out to people, to equip them to be fully devoted followers of Jesus.”

The ability of people to glorify God, to reach out to other people and to be fully devoted followers of Jesus is dependent on the quality of the biblical education they receive. And this depends, not on large………………….. but on the personal qualities of the Bible teachers.

Four points from a survey (2005): what the community and senior secondary students said about their perceptions of the status of teachers:

— Teaching is rewarding because you are shaping young minds.

— Good teachers are the ones with an interest and passion for teaching.

— Teachers have huge influence on other people’s lives.

–Teaching is one of the most important jobs that there is.

Where are the teachers of the BIBLE?

Ephesians 4:11; First Corinthians 12:28